National Trust of Guernsey

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AGC Membership No. 107
Guernsey Registered Charity number CH123 *

*The Guernsey Registry is responsible for administration of the registers of charities and non-profit organisations. The number indicated above was originally issued to the charity, but this is not an indication that registration is up to date. Please see for a current list of registered organisations

Description Aims and Objectives

A group of Guernsey residents combining to promote, for the benefit of the people of this Island and visitors thereto:

a.        The preservation and enhancement of natural beauty, and the protection, propagation and control of wildlife and animal and plant life.

b.        The preservation, restoration, upkeep and use of places and buildings of historic or other interest to the people of this Island or of horticultural or architectural merit and the protection and augmentation of the amenities of such places and buildings and their surroundings.

c.        The preservation, care, repair, use and exhibition of furniture, pictures and chattels of any description being of interest to the people of this island, or having historic or artistic interest.

d.        The provision, upkeep, improvement and use of open spaces, parks, gardens, and other places of recreation, enjoyment or exercise.

e.        The clearance of derelict land and buildings in keeping with the best principles of town and country planning.

f.        The consideration of Island planning and the planning of the towns, villages, hamlets, roads, streets, and public ways in this Island and of matters related thereto.

g.        Co-operation with other non-profit making societies and associations, whether or not incorporated, with general purposes compatible with the purposes of the Trust.

h.        Public interest in the purpose and activities of the Trust.

Organisation and Management

1Council comprising President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, ex-officio Chairman of Committee, Public Relations Officer and Council of 14 - 22 ordinary members.

Financed by donations, Member subscriptions, income from the Folk Museum, The Victorian Shop and Parlour at 26 Cornet Street and annual fundraising events.

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Contact Details
Estate Manager and Co-Ordinator
07781 106461


Volunteers Needed

Volunteers needed

Help needed at the Victorian Shop and Parlour
