Guernsey Women's Refuge

AGC Membership No. 205
Guernsey Registered Charity number CH046 *

*The Guernsey Registry is responsible for administration of the registers of charities and non-profit organisations. The number indicated above was originally issued to the charity, but this is not an indication that registration is up to date. Please see for a current list of registered organisations

Description Aims and Objectives

A charity incorporated as a limited company in June 1997. Set up in consultation with the States of Guernsey to manage crisis accommodation in a secure and friendly homely environment for women and children escaping abuse or violence. The Refuge has qualified staff who can meet those in need, confidentially, at any location. They can offer caring support either at the Refuge or at any suitable location.

The fully trained staff are at the Refuge day and night, offering a 24 hour service to support women - Telephone 721999.

A written resolution of the Committee of Guernsey Womens Refuge, signed on 19th March - 1st April 2016, confirmed the termination of thsi charity.  Future management will be undertaken by Safer LBG

Organisation and Management

A Guernsey limited company with trustees, shareholders and Directors. A management committee assist and support the paid and volunteer staff on the day to day running of the Refuge.

Finance from voluntary personal & corporate donations. Guernsey Women's Refuge has a Fundraising Committee who work tirelessly to raise funds for the Refuge. The Refuge also receives an annual grant from The States of Guernsey.

Contact Details

(01481) 721999  


Volunteers Needed


Charity Quiz 2016