Guernsey Mind Investec 10K Challenge NEW DATE Sunday 13 October 2024 Starting 9am at KGV. Support Guernsey Mind and take part in the Investec 10km running challenge. Whether you’re moving from 5km to 10km or starting from scratch, we have a training plan to support you. If you’ve run 10km before, set yourself the challenge of running a personal best. If you want to train with a friend, you can run 5km each in a team of two. See for details and bookings
Workplace Webinar Joining the Dots FREE Webinar Thursday 10th October 12.00-1.00pm Join Lisa LLoyd on World Mental Health Day for our next FREE Workplace Webinar. Lisa will explain how many companies are focusing on the wrong thing – fixing poor outcomes, rather than focusing on what is needed for employees to succeed. She will present ideas about how to avoid carewashing and instead develop practice that promotes good mental health and performance. Find out how to achieve good mental health by focusing on the factors that impact it. Good mental health is the positive outcome when you join the dots between employee experience and engagement. See for details
Personal and Professional Boundaries Training 9.15am-1.15pm at Grow This FREE short course is open to anyone who is involved in volunteering or works in the third sector and deals directly with service users and/or the public. See for details
Mental Health Awareness Training Support session for anyone who regularly deals with people Thursday 6th February, 9.30am-11.00am at Guernsey Hockey Club We all know how important it is to talk, but sometimes it is difficult to know what to say or how to react, especially if someone tells you they are struggling or having a tough time. As part of our ‘You are not alone’ campaign Guernsey Mind are hosting a FREE to attend training session designed to assist those who regularly engage with others. The course will cover: • Common signs and symptoms of poor mental health • Effects of stress • Listening skills • What can I say? • The importance of self care • Where to find further help and support