Guernsey Welfare Service

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AGC Membership No. 20
Guernsey Registered Charity number CH108 *

*The Guernsey Registry is responsible for administration of the registers of charities and non-profit organisations. The number indicated above was originally issued to the charity, but this is not an indication that registration is up to date. Please see for a current list of registered organisations

Description Aims and Objectives

The Guernsey Welfare Service has been in existence since 1896 and since that time has provided very welcome assistance to many generations of Guernsey people. The primary aim of the Guernsey Welfare Service is to help people on low incomes, primarily by:

- Welfare Office - To provide help to those struggling financially generally, but in particular to families with dependent children.  Help is given in the form of food bank items and vouchers for essential items, eg food, heating, children's items (but not cash).

- Life Skills - we offer our clients short courses in a variety of life skills including budgeting and cooking and can tailor these to individual needs and at convenient times. We can also assist clients with both written and online paperwork, including but not limited to, job applications, Right to Work applications and job searches.

- Parent Empowerment Programme - this programme is for parents with young children and consists of a group which meets weekly on a Thursday morning.  The group supports families often moving from a bitter to a better place.

- Guernsey Linking Lives - a befriending service for isolated older adults, helping to combat social isolation in Guernsey.

The Guernsey Welfare Service is not an agency of the States of Guernsey, although the States does provide an annual grant to cover specific expenditures.

We are based at the Guernsey Welfare Centre, The Caves, Upper Mansell Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1LY

Organisation and Management

The G.W.S is constituted as a limited company with wholly charitable aims.  Tune shares in the company are held by the Chairman and the Company Secretary in trusts for the Guernsey Council of Churches, with which the G.W.S. has a long and close association.  The Committee is made up from representatives from these Island churches.

The salary of the welfare workers is met by means of a grant from the Guernsey Social Security Authority.  All other expenses have to be met from private donations, charitable gifts and fund raising activities.

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Contact Details
Sue Le Friec
07839 724300


Volunteers Needed

Befriending Volunteers

Foodbank and Food Waste Collectors

Linking Lives

Linking Lives

Linking Lives

Linking Lives

Linking Lives

Linking Lives
