4 Dolphins become available to sponsor for the Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025 and can you help make plinths The Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025 is quickly approaching and with nearly all collected a few dolphins have become available. We recently launched a Dolphin Discover Trail 2025 facebook page which you can follow by going to https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61570160952041 We are now appealing for final sponsors and artists to help and support with this hugely exciting event. After the huge success of the Puffin Parade held last year which raised over £140,000 between the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey both charities are delighted to be working together once again in 2025 to bring to Guernsey the Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025. Both the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey do vital work within our community. Events such as last year’s Puffin Parade not only raise valuable funds but provide a huge amount of fun for islanders and visitors alike. This year’s Dolphins Trail promises to be both memorable and spectacular. Islanders will have heard of the financial challenges faced by both charities. as Autism Guernsey. has recently become aware that one of its major donors will be withdrawing its support by the end of the year. The GSPCA is looking to build much needed new facilities. This event will not only be a celebration of the achievements of two vital charities, but also a chance to support their work. Autism Guernsey and the GSPCA are appealing for sponsors for each of the 62 dolphins and we have had a few become available. This is your opportunity to sponsor one or more dolphins on behalf of your business, group, organisation, family or even as a gift or in your own name. Each sponsor may choose a suitable location, artist and have their details on the plinth in recognition of their support of the Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025. The Trail will be launched this Spring, culminating in an auction that will take place towards the end of Summer 2025, the proceeds of which will be shared by both charities. To download a sponsorship form please click here https://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/Dolphin%20Parade%20Sponsorship%20Form%202025%20V3%20%281%29.pdf Over the years the GSPCA has helped dolphins that have been stranded, the most famous of which was Fortune who stayed in Beaucette Marina for a period of rehab. Dolphins are highly intelligent and sensitive creatures, regular visitors to of our waters and universally loved - a fitting choice for the 2025 Parade. We would be delighted to hear from anyone wanting to sponsor a Dolphin, any budding or established artists wishing to decorate them as well as anyone wanting to get involved in helping with anything from the transport to the IT, sponsorship to a venue for the auction, in fact in any way you think you can help. If you are interested in helping please email dolphinparade2025@gmail.com or call 01481 257261 and ask for Steve Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Hopefully everyone has seen the launch of the Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025 which takes place this Spring.” “The dolphins arrived just before the New Year thanks Ferryspeed and it would really delight the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey if we could find the last few sponsors and artists to help with what will be a wonderful event in 2025.” “We have 4 that have become available and this is your last chance to get involved.” “With nearly 58 sponsors and our media partner signed up could you or your business or even group sponsor a dolphin to promote you and support GSPCA and Autism Guernsey.” “From DWA Flooring to Craftwise Ltd, Aquitaine Group to Blanchelande Park Nursing Home, Ravenscroft to TISE we are so excited to announce the names of all involved in the coming weeks.” “We recently launched a facebook page which you can see by going to https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61570160952041 .” “The Puffin Parade in 2023 raised an incredible £140,000 between both the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey and was a huge amount of fun and we continue to love seeing the Puffins featured all around Guernsey.” “To help and get involved please email me and Andrew from Autism Guernsey via dolphinparade2025@gmail.com .” “With our BIG BUILD to start very soon and rising running costs this event both for ourselves and Autism Guernsey is a huge support in the work that we do with the funds raised while having a lot of fun.” "It was over a year ago we held the Puffin Parade auction and what an incredible nighjt that was." “Most of the dolphins are out with the artists and some are about to return.” “We are appealing for help to make 62 plinths for them and also help with the treasure hunt app if anyone is interested.” “If you can help in any way please do get in touch.” Andrew Sparks Autism Guernsey Director said “The Puffin Parade was an incredible event that raised much needed funds for both the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey last year.” “Over the last few months we having been working on the next big event which will be the Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025.” “Both charities do so much for the community and we are delighted to once again join up for what is going to be another amazing event to bring joy to the island and bring much needed funds for Autism Guernsey and the GSPCA.” “Many will have seen the news recently about funding for Autism Guernsey and we are all doing all we can to raise the much needed funds for our essential work supporting our community. “If anyone is keen to support Autism Guernsey in any way we would love to hear from you from the Dolphin Discovery trail 2025 to other ways you think you can support.” “We must say a huge thanks to Two Degrees North for kindly making our logo for this event it is hugely appreciated from both the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey and to Bailiwick Express for all of their support.” “We cannot thank everyone enough that helped with the Puffin Parade and we look forward updating everyone on the Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025.” To see the Autism guernsey website please visit - https://www.autismguernsey.org.gg/ To see the GSPCA website please visit - https://www.gspca.org.gg/ https://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/4-dolphins-become-available-sponsor-dolphin-discovery-trail-2025-and-can-you-help-make-plinths
Volunteers and Vacancies at the GSPCA The GSPCA has had to grow in recent years to meet the demands on our services and ensure the care and rescue of animals in need. Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We have been celebrating our 151 year history and we are excited to announce we have a number of vacancies become available at the GSPCA.” “We are looking for animal care and reception team members, and always keen to hear from those looking to volunteer.” “From possible full time to part time hours including evening hours we have a range of options available at the GSPCA.” “The work requires a range of skills as its not all about caring for animals as we help our community to the systems in place for recording the animal details and using online platforms for those lost to those needing homes.” “We are also always looking for those wishing to sponsor our work and there are a huge range of ways in which to do this.” “We have some departments that require specific help on weekends especially the hedgehog and wildlife areas, reception and help with maintenance and the animal ambulance.” “To apply for a paid position please download the application pack below, call 257261 and we can post one out, email admin@gspca.org.gg or pop in to collect a pack.” "These applications are reviewed regularly depending on the needs of the GSPCA and for the voluntary roles we try our best to get you started as soon as we can." If you would like to apply for any of the vacancies for an application pack please click here https://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/application_pack_ACA_Recep_pack_May_2024.pdf You can also get a pack sent out by popping in, calling 01481 257261 or email admin@gspca.org.gg It is important to complete all sections of the application form. All applicants are required to complete an application form which is included in the pack and return it to the GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD or email steve@gspca.org.gg For those looking to volunteer at the GSPCA you can attend an induction or directly apply online. Next Induction dates set are and our 150 year celebrations are: Wednesday 12th June 2024 630pm Volunteer Induction Evening https://www.gspca.org.gg/about/volunteers Tuesday 23rd July 2024 630pm Volunteer Induction Evening https://www.gspca.org.gg/about/volunteers Tuesday 10th September 2024 630pm Volunteer Induction Evening https://www.gspca.org.gg/about/volunteers Tuesday 5th November 2024 630pm Volunteer Induction Evening https://www.gspca.org.gg/about/volunteers Steve continued “If you can’t make the next Volunteer Induction and would like to become a volunteer please complete our new online form https://service.sheltermanager.com/asmservice?account=gspca&method=online_form_html&formid=14 .” “We are also always looking for volunteers that would like to help at our events and with fund raising like the Seafront Sundays and Summer Shows and you can see many of the events we are doing on the base of our blog pages.” “To find out more you can email us via stevejbyrne@gspca.org.gg or call 257261.”
Volunteer Induction Evening The GSPCA couldn’t do so much without our incredible team. There are many ways to help the animals in our care and we are currently looking for a number of volunteers to help in a range of roles. Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “At the GSPCA we have an amazing team and currently we are looking for those that want to help us do all that we do in a variety of roles.” ''One role is to become a dog walker, with often dozens of dogs in our care from boarders to those in needing our care we are looking for volunteers that are 16 or over to help us not just in the week but also on the weekend.” “You can help regularly or occasionally we plenty of flexibility to help us especially with walking the dogs as we strive to get them out as much as possible.” “We also have many other roles, one being helping with our animal ambulance.” “Those that help volunteer on the animal ambulance you will often hear them called animal wardens and many of these help 6pm until 8am ensuring we have 24/7 cover but we also have weekend day hours available if anyone would like to help us with our rescue work.” For more details check out the website http://www.gspca.org.gg/
Summer Guided Tours at the GSPCA each Monday and Tuesday from 22nd July- 27th aug "This is your chance to see the work that goes on at the GSPCA and you may even be lucky enough to meet some of our many animals and see exciting plans." With 14 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place This could make a fabulous gift for a friend or loved one. for more information check the website https://www.gspca.org.gg/page/events or to book https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-summer-guided-tours-tickets-627151335527?aff=oddtdtcreator
Volunteer Induction Evening The GSPCA couldn’t do so much without our incredible team. There are many ways to help the animals in our care and we are currently looking for a number of volunteers to help in a range of roles. Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “At the GSPCA we have an amazing team and currently we are looking for those that want to help us do all that we do in a variety of roles.” for more information or to book please visit http://www.gspca.org.gg/events
137th GSPCA AGM, Celebrations, Awards & BIG BUILD Thursday 30th January 2025 7pm arrival at the Animal Shelter 137th GSPCA AGM, Celebrations, Awards & BIG BUILD Thursday 30th January 2025 7pm arrival at the Animal Shelter https://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/137th-gspca-agm-celebrations-awards-big-build-thursday-30th-january-2025-7pm-arrival-animal-she
GSPCA Purple Week Friday 7th - 14th February 2025 celebrating 152 years GSPCA Purple Week Friday 7th - 14th February 2025 celebrating 152 years https://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/gspca-purple-week-friday-7th-14th-february-2025-celebrating-152-years
GSPCA Animal Welfare Sea Front Sunday 18th May 2025 pitch applications now open GSPCA Animal Welfare Sea Front Sunday 18th May 2025 pitch applications now open https://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/gspca-animal-welfare-sea-front-sunday-18th-may-2025-pitch-applications-now-open On the 18th May 2025 10am to 4pm the GSPCA will once again be organising a day to celebrate the animals in Guernsey and all the wonderful work that is done to care for them. We are extremely grateful to all those that made last 13 years such great days and we are hoping this years will be bigger and better. There will be stalls and fun for all the family; humans and canines. We'll have a fancy dress competition, children's games area, lots of food and refreshments, a fun dog show, arts and crafts stalls, local charities, entertainment and so much more........ The day starts from 10am and will take place along the Sea Front in St Peter Port. To go to the events facebook page or twitter link please click on the logo below To see our facebook page go to https://www.facebook.com/GuernseySPCA Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday Twitter link https://twitter.com/GSPCA https://twitter.com/Seafront_Sunday Would you like a pitch for our Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday on the 18th May 2025? We welcome all traders and hobbiests to join us from a small pitch fee and Charities are free! If you are keen to have a pitch please complete and return the form below. To download a pitch application please click here https://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/SFS%20Pitch%20application%2018th%20May%202025.pdf and email to accounts@gspca.org.gg Would you like to help sponsor the day? We are looking for individuals or businesses that would like to help sponsor the day please contact Steve Byrne on steve@gspca.org.gg or call 01481 257261 for more details. Fun Dog Show There will be a fun dog show starting at 1230pm with registration from 11am. This is always a fabulous, fun, highlight and is open to any breed of dog. Best male puppy (under 2yrs) Best female puppy (under 2yrs) Lovely Ladies Fabulous Fellas Best Rescue Waggiest Bum/Happiest Handler Golden Oldies (7 yrs +) Best trick Best Fancy Dress Dog Most Like Their Owner Best in Show (winners of the previous classes) £5 minimum donation per dog to enter as many classes as you wish. Please enter your dog on the day. Childrens Animal Fancy Dress For a bit of fun bring your children with an animal themed fancy dress for a free prize. Just pop along to our stall on the Crown Pier between 11am and 4pm on the day for a free gift. Volunteer If you, your group, business or school would like to volunteer and help on the day please email steve@gspca.org.gg We are especially looking for anyone who would be happy to wear a sea/coastal themed costume. It's lots of fun and even ust half an hour of your time would be fabulous. We will provide the outfits, we have penguins, lobster, seals and sharks to name a few You can let us know in advacne or just pop along to our stall on the day. Keep an eye on this page as we update it with more information.
GSPCA Half Term Guided Tours With 14 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-easter-guided-tours-tickets-627151335527?aff=oddtdtcreator Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Half Term from the 22nd February thanks to Karen we have planned Guided Tours this and next weekend.” “This could make a friend or loved one a fabulous gift or a chance to see much of what we do and learn our plans for the future.” "With 152 years of history and our BIGGEST plans happening this is your chance to see behind the scenes and see what is happening." "To book you can do so via our Eventbrite link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-easter-guided-tours-tickets-627151335527?aff=oddtdtcreator .” “If you are an Island Families card holder or an Angel Pen pal sponsor you can make savings off these events." “An Angel Pen Pal Sponsor is an amazing way to support our work is by just a couple of pounds each month can make a massive difference in helping the animals in our care and to find out more please go to http://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/Angel%20sponsor%20form%20special%202018%20new.pdf .” "This is your chance to see the work that goes on at the GSPCA and you may even be lucky enough to meet some of our many animals and see exciting plans." "We would like to thank all that have attended previous tours and for the wonderful feedback we have received." “We also run special tours whether it be as a gift or birthday party and to find out more please check out https://www.gspca.org.gg/services/birthday-or-special-guided-tours-gspca .” Karen Lane GSPCA team member who heads up our education work said “We really love showing groups around the GSPCA teaching them about our work, as we do so much every day.” “If anyone is interested in a school tour or birthday party tour we offer a range of educational and fun experiences and please do email me education@gspca.org.gg .” “We also love to come out to schools and if you would like to learn more please get in touch.” Ticket type Price GSPCA Guided Tour Tickets Children's Ticket £8.00 GSPCA Guided Tour Tickets Adult - Island Families Card/Angel Pen Pal Sponsor £13.50 GSPCA Guided Tour Tickets Adult Ticket £15.00 GSPCA Guided Tour Tickets Child - Island Families Card/Angel Pen Pal Sponsor £7.20 GSPCA Guided Tour Tickets Family Ticket £40.00 The dates planned so far are as follows although if these fill we will look at adding others – GSPCA Summer Guided Tour Monday 22nd July 2024 130pm - 3pm To book please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-easter-guided-tours-tickets-627151335527?aff=oddtdtcreator GSPCA Half Term February/March 2025 Guided Tours Saturday 22nd February 2025 130pm - 3pm To book please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-half-term-februarymarch-2025-guided-tours-tickets-1254356156029?aff=oddtdtcreator GSPCA Half Term February/March 2025 Guided Tours Sunday 23rd February 2025 130pm - 3pm To book please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-half-term-februarymarch-2025-guided-tours-tickets-1254356156029?aff=oddtdtcreator GSPCA Half Term February/March 2025 Guided Tours Saturday 1st March 2025 130pm - 3pm To book please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-half-term-februarymarch-2025-guided-tours-tickets-1254356156029?aff=oddtdtcreator GSPCA Half Term February/March 2025 Guided Tours Sunday 2nd March 2025 130pm - 3pm To book please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-half-term-februarymarch-2025-guided-tours-tickets-1254356156029?aff=oddtdtcreator To see many more events please see our latest blog https://www.gspca.org.gg/blog Steve continued “There are many ways to support our work with lots of ideas on our website www.gspca.org.gg .” “As well as raising daily running costs our biggest upcoming challenge is our BIG BUILD which includes a new Wildlife Hospital, Kennels, Ferret Build and other facilities as well as remove many old buildings is our boldest wish in 152 years and to find out more please check out https://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/gspca-biggest-build-appeal .” “For those from those want to give CSR time and skills to those wanting to help sponsor or support something from our Wish List http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/our-plans-wish-list .” “If your group or business would like to find out about spending a day at the Shelter please go to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/corporate-and-group-days “ “For other ways your business can help us here at the GSPCA please go to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/how-your-business-can-help-gspca-corporate-sponsorship “ “If you would like to volunteer then to find out more details here - http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/volunteers or to complete the volunteer application form please check out https://service.sheltermanager.com/asmservice?account=gspca&method=online_form_html&formid=14 .” "We also have vacancies at the GSPCA and to find out more please visit https://www.gspca.org.gg/about/vacancies ." “There are always lots of other ways to support us from donating online to creating your own fundraising event and you can do this by this link https://giving.gg/donate/charity/2/Guernsey-Society-for-the-Prevention-of-Cruelty-to-Animals-(GSPCA) or for lots of fund raising ideas please visit http://www.gspca.org.gg/fundraising .” “We are planning lots of events for 2025 so watch this space.” “We couldn’t do so much without your support.”